Many people focus heavily on their homes during any bushfire planning, but more important is the area surrounding your home. The intensity and spread of fire are influenced by many factors including the weather, topography and vegetation on your property. While you can’t change the weather, you can do something about the vegetation.

What is bushfire fuel?

When we talk about fuel management, we’re talking about vegetation that fuels the spread and intensity of a bushfire. This includes scrub, leaves, grass, undergrowth, twigs, shrubs, bark and any other type of vegetation that will burn easily.

Controlling the fuel load around your property significantly increases the chance of your home surviving a bushfire. With limited fuel, the spread of a fire can be slowed and is therefore easier to get under control.

Not only does reducing the fuel load help to protect your home, but it can also benefit surrounding properties and the local community. Your firefighters will also find it much easier to control a blaze when you follow a comprehensive fuel management plan.

Comprehensive fuel management plans

Here at SA Bushfire Solutions, we provide services to private residents, businesses, and also councils and governments. Our fuel management plans cover everything from private land to large parks and reserves. If there’s a bushfire risk, we can help to minimise it.

Recommended Fuel Management Plans:

  • Fuel load assessments
  • Vegetation type & management options
  • Potential fire behaviour
  • Tree trimming
  • Vegetation removal
  • Mowing/slashing
  • Prescribed burning planning

Prescribed burning

This is an efficient way to reduce the fuel load and bushfire threat on your property. From small piles of garden waste to large areas, we can assist to plan and undertake the prescribed burn.


We have conducted many fuel management plans across Adelaide and Regional South Australia, for both private land owners and large-scale projects. Have a look at who we have worked with here.


Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments

A Bushfire Attack Level is a measure of the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact in a bushfire event

Indigenous Training

SA Bushfire Solutions has a long and proud association working with Indigenous groups and communities throughout Australia to assist and develop Bushfire Mitigation Programs and provide hands-on training.

Bushfire Survival Plans

If you live in a high bushfire risk area, developing a Bushfire Survival Plan is crucial to you, your family’s and your property’s safety and survival.

As the fire officer at Central Land Council I work closely with Brett and the team at SA Bushfires Solutions, they have successfully delivered a variety of training courses throughout the region. They are both professional and conciseness in their delivery and possess the ability to be flexible when needed, tailoring the course and its contents if required. Their knowledge and understanding of indigenous cultural practices is pivotal in meeting the needs of our constituents and  work.  CLC wish to extend its appreciation to the team for their continued work and support and look forward to 2022.

Ross Phelan FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER Central Land Council


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