Indigenous Training

SA Bushfire Solutions has a long and proud association working with Indigenous groups and communities throughout Australia to assist and develop Bushfire Mitigation Programs and provide hands-on training. We have conducted Indigenous Training on Country with various Indigenous Ranger groups and organisations Nationally.

Our training is tailored to the individual needs of the Community or Ranger groups and provides them with the appropriate skills and knowledge to undertake their own bushfire mitigation works to protect infrastructure, the environment and cultural sites. It also allows them to trade on the Carbon Markets by undertaking early season prescribed burning providing another income source and additional employment.

We keep class sizes small to ensure adequate interaction with all students, and we have an understanding of the importance of cultural burning. The training is delivered on Country, utilising community resources and equipment. This ensures participants become familiar with their own equipment and can participate in a supportive environment surrounded by their peers and family. We offer a flexible and supportive learning environment and provide adequate opportunities for practical exercises including prescribed burning and four-wheel driving. This approach ensures a positive learning environment with increased active participation.


Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments

A Bushfire Attack Level is a measure of the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact in a bushfire event

Bushfire Survival Plans

If you live in a high bushfire risk area, developing a Bushfire Survival Plan is crucial to you, your family’s and your property’s safety and survival.

Property Risk Assessments

Our property risk assessments are designed to identify potential risks and show you how to improve your bushfire safety.

As the fire officer at Central Land Council I work closely with Brett and the team at SA Bushfires Solutions, they have successfully delivered a variety of training courses throughout the region. They are both professional and conciseness in their delivery and possess the ability to be flexible when needed, tailoring the course and its contents if required. Their knowledge and understanding of indigenous cultural practices is pivotal in meeting the needs of our constituents and  work.  CLC wish to extend its appreciation to the team for their continued work and support and look forward to 2022.

Ross Phelan FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER Central Land Council


We pride ourselves on our consistently professional delivery of all services we offer.


We deliver all services with Honesty, Trust and Respect, our strong moral principles are second to none.


Our focus is always customer satisfaction and our level of customer service. We have a strong focus on making sure every customer feels valued and appreciated.

Service Delivery

Our services are delivered in an effective, predictable, reliable, and customer-friendly manner, always.


High levels of communication, both within our team and with our clients and customers, makes us the best to work with in the industry.