Property is usually your biggest financial investment, so it makes sense to protect it in any way you can. The fact is, if you own property in a bushfire-prone area, you’re at an elevated risk of the destruction bushfires can cause. Our property risk assessments are designed to identify potential risks and show you how to improve your bushfire safety.

Onsite property inspections
When considering bushfire safety at your property, we don’t just focus on how to stop a fire from reaching your home. This comprehensive assessment also addresses issues such as the risk your home may pose to neighbouring properties, as well as how easily a firefighting crew could defend your home.

This involves an onsite visit and inspection where we:

  • Assess your Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
  • Assess risks & hazards
  • Identify emergency escape routes
  • Identify emergency vehicle access
  • Inspect fire fighting pumps & equipment

Following the assessment, we provide you with a detailed report including all of our recommendations for lowering the fire risk on your property. Our independent fire risk consultants explain the report in detail.

Fill out our online enquiry form here if you’d like to know about Property Risk Assessment.



Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments

A Bushfire Attack Level is a measure of the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact in a bushfire event

Indigenous Training

SA Bushfire Solutions has a long and proud association working with Indigenous groups and communities throughout Australia to assist and develop Bushfire Mitigation Programs and provide hands-on training.

Bushfire Survival Plans

If you live in a high bushfire risk area, developing a Bushfire Survival Plan is crucial to you, your family’s and your property’s safety and survival.

We engaged Brett to conduct vegetation management and a BAL assessment while we were having planning difficulties with the Council, CFS and other agencies. Brett’s expert advice and vast knowledge is allowing us to progress with our build and obtain a BAL rating that accurately matches the risk our property presents. His BAL assessment report is one of the most detailed and thorough reports I have seen compared to other agencies we have been dealing with. Brett was professional, on time and performed the required work at short notice and to a high standard that we were after.

I would highly recommend to anyone building in a high bushfire area, requiring BAL assessment or vegetation control to contact him first before approaching anyone else.

Jonathan Harris Adelaide Hills, SA


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